This website uses own to gather information in order to improve our services Cookies and third party and analyzing their browsing habits. If you continue browsing, implies acceptance of installing them. The user can configure your browser can, if desired, prevent them from being installed on your hard disk, but should take into account that such action may cause navigation difficulties website.

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Legal Advice

In accordance with Article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, the "Services Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSI)", we inform the following information:

GOYAMOTO SPAIN, SL He is the holder of Web portal, which acts exclusively as exploitative, and manager of the contents of the Web portals, domiciled in the Avd. Ramon d'Olzina, 35 43480 VILA · SECA, NIF B43998459, registered in the Commercial Register Tarragona Tomo 2525, Folio 29, Page T40903, Registration 1ra, he is responsible for the operation, management and operation of the web site mentioned above.
To contact us, you can do so by post to the address mentioned in the preceding paragraph, or via email



Your use of the Web site attributes the condition of User and implies full and unreserved acceptance of all and each of the provisions contained in this Legal Notice, as published for GOYAMOTO SPAIN, SL at the same time the user accesses the Web. Consequently, the User must carefully read this Legal Notice in each of the occasions on which she intends to use the Web, as may be modified.


GOYAMOTO SPAIN, SL is not responsible for the webs do not own or third parties, which may be accessed through links  or any content provided by third parties.
Any use of a link or access to an external website is undertaken at the will and exclusive risk of the user and GOYAMOTO SPAIN, SL does not recommend or guarantee any information obtained through a link not belonging to the Web of and is not responsible for any loss, claim or damage arising from the use or misuse of a link, or information obtained through it, including other links or websites, interruption in service or access or use or misuse of a link, both to connect to the web site how to access information from other sites from the portal web


The information and services included in or available through the Website may include inaccuracies or typographical errors. Periodically incorporating changes to the information. GOYAMOTO SPAIN, SL you can enter at any time improvements and / or changes in services or content.
It also warns that the contents of this website are informative as to the supply of services and rates. As provided in this legal notice and other legal texts of this web portal.



GOYAMOTO SPAIN, SL disclaims any liability for interruptions or malfunction of services or content offered on the Internet, whatever their cause.
Likewise, the GOYAMOTO SPAIN, SL is not responsible for network outages, loss of business resulting from these drops, temporary power cuts or any other kind.

GOYAMOTO SPAIN, SL does not represent or warrant that the services or content will be uninterrupted or error free, that defects will be corrected, or that the service or the server that makes it available are free of viruses or other harmful components, without prejudice to GOYAMOTO SPAIN, SL makes every effort to avoid such incidents. If the User shall take certain decisions or carry out actions based on the information in any of the "websites" checking the information received with other sources is recommended.


1. The structure, design and presentation of the elements (graphics, images, files, logos, color schemes and any other element of protection) are protected by intellectual property owned by GOYAMOTO SPAIN, SL

2. are prohibited reproduction, processing, distribution, public communication, making available to the public and in general any other form of exploitation full, partial, or the elements mentioned in the previous section. These acts may be performed only under specific authorization of GOYAMOTO SPAIN, SL and, in any case, have to make explicit reference to the ownership of such intellectual property rights of GOYAMOTO SPAIN, SL

3. Only authorized for private use of documentary material produced for GOYAMOTO SPAIN, SL. In no event shall remove, alter, or manipulate any protection device or security systems that may be installed.

4. Unless expressly authorized by the GOYAMOTO SPAIN, SL the link to "final pages", the "frame" and other similar handling is not allowed. The links must always be on the main page or "home page"

5. Distinctive signs (trademarks, trade names) of GOYAMOTO SPAIN, SL are protected by intellectual property rights, prohibiting the use or manipulation of any of these without the express written permission of GOYAMOTO SPAIN, SL


Safety is a priority for GOYAMOTO SPAIN, SL, so we make every effort to ensure our transaction process is safe and that your personal information is safely kept:

     Not Share Your Personal Information
     Identify Fake Emails (attempts to 'spoofing' or 'phishing')
     Report Attempts to 'phishing'
     Always make your payments through the means of payment GOYAMOTO SPAIN, SL


GOYAMOTO SPAIN, SL will never send an email or will call you to ask you to disclose or verify your account password in GOYAMOTO SPAIN, SL or your bank account numbers or credit card, or other personal information. If someone contact you or receive an unsolicited email that asks for any of the above data, unresponsive, and it immediately to GOYAMOTO SPAIN, SL to proceed to the investigation of the incident.

IDENTIFY FAKE EMAILS (attempts to 'spoofing' or 'phishing')

Ignore any email you get where you are asked for personal information or redirect you to another website that is not owned by GOYAMOTO SPAIN, SL or its affiliates, or be asked to pay beyond the means of payment PAYPAL, CREDIT CARD TRANSFER or as it could be an attempt to impersonation ('spoofing' or 'phishing'), and shall consider fraudulent.

GOYAMOTO SPAIN, SL uses the domain "" to your emails. If you receive an email with a different format, such as:, you can be sure it's a fake mail.

Some practitioners phishing emails contain links to web sites that use the word "goyamoto" in its URL, but that will direct you to a completely different web site. If you move the mouse over the link, you can view the associated URL, you will probably have a different approach to the linked in authentic websites GOYAMOTO format SPAIN, SL

If you still clicks a phishing email that practice and is redirected to a page that resembles "Your Account" or anyone who asks verify or modify your personal information, ignore it and consider it as fraudulent.


Send an email to the address email and attach it considers false. To join to us that spoof, is helping us locate its source.

If you can not attach the fake email, forward it to and include as much information as possible on it.


Payments made through PAYPAL, CREDIT CARD or TRANSFER are safe, are guaranteed, and are the only payment methods accepted and recognized to buy products GOYAMOTO SPAIN, SL

Payment mode    
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